This is for the benefit of those people looking for wealthy living, people with a good to excellent grasp over English can make a future at Spheris, age no bar. A medical transcriptional (MT) working in the night shift earns around 20, 000 p.m. and an editor earns 15, 000 more which is on par or even surpasses the monthly pay of software engineers. Although this cannot be expected from day 1, it happens over a perior of a couple years. If you need a good job with a good pay, then one has to stick to one job and one company with dedication, rewards will flow with the course of time.
To mention my personal career growth, it started out with 3500 p.m. as a trainee, 6500 after confirmation, and 10, 000 to 15, 000 after achieving the capacity to send files directly to the client bypassing the editor/proof reader. Finally, after becoming a proofer (22, 000), and moving to the night shift, my salary is now 50, 000 plus gross. A lot of the money is in the form of incentives for the quality and quantity of lines that one does. Thirty thousand lines produces Rs. 35, 000 in the form of incentives alone in the night shift. Add to it 12, 000 of your salary and some 5000 of overtime, etc, you cross 50k.
After taxation, 45, 000 is what is credited to your account.
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